These riding boots in black...
This necklace...
This bag...
This versatile top...
Two. Earlier this week, my Facebook notifications were up to something like 50+ after just three days of not logging in and I couldn't handle it. I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook as it is, but then seeing that made me want to run from the corner and not come out until all was back to normal. I finally put on my big girl pants and dealt with it but uffda.
Three. Along with my Facebook being out of control, my emails are currently out of control. I am working on switching over from Hotmail to Gmail (I know, shun me), but even within Gmail, my inboxes are insane. Part of getting a grip on life again is getting my inboxes under control. Yesterday, I was able to get my graduate school account under control. I am going to conquer my work email next. My personal email will just have to wait and continue to haunt me for the time being.
Four. I haven't been homesick per se as of late, but I have really been missing the simplicity of North Dakota. I daydream about driving my own car, about quickly running to the grocery store after work, about leisurely strolling around outside and not breaking into a fierce sweat. Yesterday I went to Home Pro, a glorified home improvement store, and found myself wishing I could go to Menard's and shop around for a project. Like I said, I'm not really homesick, but I am missing a more simple way of life.
Five. I am off to the beach this weekend! I'm also looking at tickets to Singapore and seeing how I really don't have many more free weekends until June! I can't believe how the spring has filled up already but I'm looking forward to everything to come!