As has become my usual, I am linking up with the ladies of The Good Life, A. Liz Adventures, Carolina Charm, and Hello Happiness for "5 on Friday." Please join us!
One. Now that I finally got my teaching license figured out (It wasn't my error... needed to send in some additional paperwork that should have been taken care of when I first was contracted two years ago but I was given a five year license at the end of it all so I am good and happy!), I need to get my driver's license renewed. It's not like I didn't know exactly when I was going to expire four years ago when I last renewed it and it's not like I didn't have the ten months previous to renew it and it's not like I didn't talk about renewing it at least twenty times and it's not like I didn't try once because I did. But, my driver's license is now expired and, at this point, I won't be getting that baby renewed until basketball season is over. Here's to concientious and increasingly defensive driving.
Two. We officially start our post-season tournaments tonight. We are going into the tournament as the fourth seed after finishing in a three-way tie for second during the regular season. Plain and simple, our goal is to win the tournament. We certainly have the skill set to win the championship... We need to come into the games with our heads on straight and the team's interest as our first priority.
Three. Not that I am a non-procrastinator anyhow (see #1) but I feel like life has such a sense of uncertainty right now. I can attribute this uncertainty to a couple of big things as well as a number of smaller things. I'm looking forward to things panning out in the next couple of months... Whatever that will look like.
Four. Oh boy... I am really starting to feel the crunch of race day. February has completely kicked my tail and I haven't gotten a decent run in for awhile. I've still been attending my boot camp class and I've practiced as much with the high school team as possible, but I still feel so far behind. I will clearly be hitting the dreadmill hard once basketball season is over.
Five. I'm sorry if I'm a broken record at this point, but grad school is kicking my tail. I thought I would get a short reprieve from grad school after this week of madness, but after a talk with my professor tonight, it's back to the drawing board on Sunday to fix my research project. It's almost midterm... Almost midterm... Almost midterm...
(in Bangkok)
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