I ran the Bismarck Half Marathon this weekend (September 18, 2010). I can truthfully say I ran it, too, because I made it the whole 13.1 miles. It was painful towards the end, I'm not gonna lie, but I'm glad I did it. Now, because I have to have at least one excuse for everything I do, I would like to point out that I did not run for 2.5 weeks prior to the race because I got sick. Like coughing, no voice, sleeping all of the time, good old-fashioned sick. I actually had planned to not run at all, but I got a good workout in Tuesday morning and decided to just go for it. Anyhow, I feel much better about this race than I did the one in Fargo. My goal for this race was 2:30, but I didn't make it. By alot. My official race time was 2:53:07. Yes, this is only marginally better than my first Half, but I raced so much better this time around. In fact, my first 6 miles were so strong that I was on pace to finish well under 2:30 (more like 2:00-2:15)... Too bad I still had another 7 miles to go. So yes, one could argue that I should have paced myself better, but I was just proud that my front six were so solid. I wasn't surprised when my split started to slip like it did and I am a little disappointed that it got as large as it did, but I am learning how to race- how to be an independent runner and those other things will come with time. The only thing that really killed was my glutes (as opposed to my calves and knees from the last time) although I was more sore this time around than the last. I'm okay with being sore, though, because it means I did something and with the kind of race I felt like I ran, I was stoked to be sore! Call me a sadist, but I love feeling a workout the next day. I like knowing I pushed my body and I'm whipping it into shape.
In additionally exciting news, I was one of three Nylen cousins to run on Saturday. I ran the Half Marathon as did Brock and Kylie ran in the 5K. I was hoping to get a picture, but our schedules didn't pan out at the end to capture us in our sweaty, semi-nasty bliss. Never fear, however, because Rachel and Ryne came out to see me huff and puff across the finish line.
Rachel made this super sweet sign for me and it was totally worth of a picture, even if I was wearing my ridiculous tie dye and every ounce of Neoprene I own. It was a brisk day on Saturday, but I was tightly covered and conserving body heat with the best of them! I'm glad to have another Half under my belt, but I know this still isn't my last one. That darn 2:30 mark still eludes me. I will get it some day, be aware.
That 2:30 mark does still elude me. I'll get it some day. I don't know when, but I know I will. :)
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