Well, I didn't really run it. I definitely walked most of it.
And my feet hurt so bad by the end of it too. All day Sunday, I looked like I had just finished riding a horse. #WhydoIgetupsoearlyforthisstuff? #Lookfamiliar?
But I finished the race and I'm not ashamed to say it.
A couple of months ago, I would have really tried to avoid the subject of this weekend's half marathon and I probably wouldn't have blogged about it either. But after my 17:40 incident and really working to make long lasting life changes, I'm proud to say I finished a half marathon this weekend.
My official time was 3:27:15. Although this is by far the slowest race I have ever done, I'm more than okay with it. I did the first 11 miles with Sam and then broke away for the last two on my own. Sam came in about ten minutes later. Brooke had arrived an hour and a half previous. #Collegeathlete #Overachiever
Even though I was able to start the year strong fitness-wise, I did not train well coming up to the race. Again, I bit off more than I could chew between teaching, coaching, and training, but I finished and I enjoyed myself when all was said and done.
Like I find myself saying every time, this is not my last race. But this is my last race for the immediate future. I just want to concentrate on getting in shape and dropping weight. Plus, big changes are in my future and I want to make sure I am able to do the things I am doing well.
So in summary, I finished a half marathon this weekend. I ran maybe six miles of it, but I finished. I'm proud of the person I ran it with and I'm proud of myself for getting out there and doing it. I've done three half marathons now and I feel like that's a pretty nifty thing to be able to say!

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