And Monday Strikes with a Vengeance!

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I had grand plans of writing about the lovely week I spent in Montana, of the vacation I was currently on with my family, and my mild trepidation about moving to Thailand.

Instead, I will just say that I didn't really enjoy my time in Montana, today's family road trip was rained out, and Wal-Mart makes me not want to move to Thailand anymore.

In all honesty, I loved the people I spent time with in Thailand, but everything else I could just leave behind. We are hoping to reschedule our vacation for later this week. 

I still loathe Wal-Mart. They turned what should have been a 90 minute process turned into a 7.5 hour ordeal. #ChoosingtonotembraceBoomtowntoday

But Monday is almost over and we are going out for a lovely family dinner once dad gets home from work. #DoIsoundlikeIam16? #Iamreally26 #Andahalf


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