100 Measly Pounds... And I Don't Mean from England!

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Oh well hey there!

In case anybody ever tries to tell you differently, moving internationally is not easy. Maybe it would be easier if I didn't have to plan for six months of teaching, living, and thesis writing in 100 pounds of luggage, one roller board, and one backpack.

If you would have asked me two weeks ago, I would have honestly answered that I did not have much stuff.

But now?

I definitely know that is not the case.

I have a lot of stuff.

I struggled for a good five days to get my suitcases near weight limit. I finally hit my appropriate weights yesterday. I know there are things I could have done differently-- there always are, but I did the best I could for what I know right now. In my defense, my luggage packing abilities were pretty compromised by needing to haul my necessary grad school materials for the upcoming year. I certainly wasn't going to waste checked luggage space on all of that paper weight, but it really killed luggage flexibility.

At any rate, I don't like having this much stuff. Oi. It's kinda gross, really.

I am on my last 24 hours in Williston and then it's off to Bangkok! Today is a day of last minute errands, birthday lunch and pedis with my mom (Happy Birthday, Mom!), last minute packing, and then dinner with my whole family. I'm looking to make the most of my last day before I make my way to the other side of the Pacific. 

See you on the other side of the date line!

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