10|| 10 Things About Yours Truly

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Still working to complete "The Blog-tember Challenge" even though I have missed the deadline by a long shot. Don't judge... It will be fun to finally finish! 

List 10 things that you love about yourself! Let's kick that negative self-talk outta here!

I really cannot list 10 things I love about myself without giving credit where it is due-- to my Heavenly father. I have only in the last couple of years decided to wage a war against my insecurity. Some days are certainly better than others and it's been a rough patch as of late, for sure. But I have been created in His image to do great things that He prepared me specifically to fulfill. The same is absolutely true of you. Just let that sink into your mind for a spell. God did not create either you or me and then random assign purpose to our lives. He created the world, saw a need to be filled, and then created each individual to fill each specific purpose.

I feel like my life carries an entirely different weight when I maintain that mindset, no?

I feel convicted on a whole new level to get rid of my self hate and to really learn to value myself for the excellent creation God made me to be. I would not be pleased to see a creation of my own being so dissatisfied with my handiwork, so why do I think it is okay to do the same thing to God?

Without further ado, here are 10 things I love (or am learning to love) about myself-- the woman God created me to be!

One. I am created specifically in the image of God and for the purpose of bringing glory to God! My life has so much purpose just knowing that I am living for something greater than myself. I could not imagining doing life on earth any other way.

Two. I have been given the privilege of being a teacher. I have long desired to know that I am doing exactly what God has called me to do and to change the world. I know I am definitely in the former and I may be doing just a little bit of the latter.

Three. I have been given the opportunity to live overseas and experience another culture and another way of life. I have much sitting in the archives about living in the Land of Smiles. I just need to buck it up and make it happen.

Four. I am finally learning how to be a good friend, daughter, sister, etc. It has taken me a long time to understand how to authentically relate to people. All too often, I have let myself be completely taken over by somebody needy, selfish, and unable to support me as a friend. That being said, I have also been a selfish, unfair friend. I am grateful for the people God has placed in my life to help me develop into a gracious and authentic woman of God. #Longjourney #Stillfiguringitout

Five. I intentionally value people and experiences over things. I have come to develop a great disdain for a lot of stuff and would much rather spend my resources on people and experiences. My family, friends, faith, students, and traveling are all high priorities in my life and daily decision making.

And because we can't be all serious around here all of the time...

Six. I will try anything once. I was not an adventurous child or teenager, but once I got to college, something shifted and I'm ready to go. Moving to Thailand has given me many more opportunities than I ever would have found for myself in the States and I am trying to make the most of it. Recent shenanigans include eating cricketslearning to ride a motorbike, and learning to speak Thai. #SpeakingThaiisalwaysanadventure

Seven. I can change a tire all by myself. I feel like I have had to change more than my share (six!) of tires in the last five years. I can also check my oil and replace a tail light. And I know that blinkers to not run on fluid. Granted, I still can't hard boil an egg, but that's neither here nor there.

Eight. I can say the English alphabet forwards and backwards. It would be my one party trick if I ever ended up at a party. As an INTJ, though, I would probably just hang out in the back corner of the room and check out the host's book collection.

Nine. Along with one terrible party trick, I have a random assortment of useless trivia. For example, know the capitals of Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, and Finland. The majority of this information is much less impressive now that I live in southeast Asia, but nevertheless. I can also tell you the all fifty states and capitals while locating them on a map, provide the history of the term "bowdlerize," and explain why the North Dakota capitol does not have a dome.

Ten. I can make a mean pie. Apple, rhubarb-peach, and lemon meringue are my go-to pieces of choice! I made an ice cream pie yesterday for a friend's birthday, but that doesn't count. This fall, I made a pumpkin pie entirely from scratch and it was so good. If I ever get married, I will have pie at my reception, not cake. And that's a nonnegotiable... The groom can deal or go. #JK #Sorta

Brave Love Blog

KellyE said...

HAHAHA! This post makes me miss you. So. Much. I hope the humidity is treating you well and that you're ready for NoDak's time change so we're only 12 hours apart again...no more of this 13 hour business.

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