9|| A Little Innie, A Little Outie

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Let's talk personality types. Introverted? Extroverted? Unsure-troverted? ;) If you know your Myers-Briggs type, tell us about it!

It sounds like I just started talking about belly buttons.

As I have talked about before, I really don't like being in front of a crowd or being the center of attention. I'll do most anything to get a laugh, but I act ridiculously to bring joy to other people... Not attention to myself.

I have really only realized in the last couple of years that I am an introvert. I enjoy being around people, but I like smaller groups and I think small talk is entirely exhausting. When I get too tired, I just peace out for a spell and reenergize in the quiet. #Don'tIjustsoundlikeaGeorgiapeach I also feel like the world is generally black or white although exceptions can (and should) be made when needed, pros and cons lists are legit, and I like to take a step back to analyze after everything has come to be.

An INTJ I suppose that makes me.

And because I'm an INTJ, I don't really have much else to say on the matter. May your day be blessed. :)

Edited to add: I found this TED talk earlier this fall and found it very valuable in understanding my own thought process as well as those of many of my students. Susan Cain presents some very valuable thoughts and ideas of what it is like to be an introvert in a seemingly extroverted world.


Brave Love Blog
KellyE said...

The first image that comes to mind when thinking of how you make others laugh is that ONE time you went rollerblading. :)

Aubrey said...

And then some things we never do again for laughs. My knees and hands thank me.

Grace said...

I often thought I was quite an outgoing person but it's more in just fragments rather than always. Though my personality type is ESTP, I do think that I'm quite introverted at times too!

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