I have thought a lot about why I even keep this space open.
I have thought a lot about shutting it down.
I have thought about giving it a new name.
But in the end, I realized that I really don't want to change either the name or the location of this little spot on the Internet. I still stand by the name I gave this little place not so many years ago. I still stand by what that represents for me and I still want to make that known in my life.
Truth be told, I feel like the whole "be.do.say.go." idea may be gaining even more traction in my life. As I'm writing, I'm sitting on an airplane somewhere between Tokyo, Japan and Bangkok, Thailand. I went out for gas last week and it was only supposed to be a three hour tour... JK. I'm traveling back to Thailand with Amy to hang out for a couple of weeks as she prepares for her upcoming school year and I try to recharge from my summer school madness. But I can't shake the feeling that this trip is more than just visiting a BFF overseas. I've felt a tugging at my heart that this is God preparing me for something so much more. I have no idea what that is... I have an idea of what I'd like it to be, but I'm really trying minimize my expectations and just let life unfold. God has it planned better than I could ever do for myself and for that I am grateful.
I know the calendar year goes from January to December, but the teacher in me cannot shake the August to May calendar. And since summers are spent recovering from the previous nine month madness (now it sounds like I give birth every year but I promise I don't!), I guess my calendar really goes from August to July. So all of that to say, I am recovering from one if the craziest school years to date... And I haven't exactly spent the summer relaxing yet, but that's okay. I'm excited to see what this next year brings, but I'm also excited for it to continue developing in the ways that life has kind of settled in the last couple of years. I am plenty aware of some changes I need to make in my personal life and I'm excited to get started with that. No day but today to begin anew.
Life is big but God is bigger.
Life is good but God is better.
May your day (or the middle of the night as it currently is wherever we are right now) be blessed. Soli Deo gloria.