Rushing, Seeing, Chillaxing, Ending, and Finishing

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As has become my fairly new usual, I am linking up with the ladies of The Good LifeA. Liz AdventuresCarolina Charm, and Hello Happiness for "5 on Friday." Please join us!

After a crazy start to the week, I am gratful that this week is coming to a close. It's been the longest four day week I've had in a long while. So without further adieu...

One. I'm ashamed to say that this semester has kicked my Master's-degree-seeking tail. I started out so strong and then things just kept coming up and now I'm rushing to finish at the end. I could have gotten so much more out of this semester, in my T&L (teaching and learning) class specifcially, but I am just grateful for the things I have picked up and I'm holding on to everything for awhile in case I get the itch to go back and review OR I end up needing it for another class/degree/job/IDK.

Two. I realized this semester that I have seen a lot of my family and it's been a nice change of pace. Of course I always wish I could see more of them more often, but I've spent more weekends and more time with them than I have before and it's been oh so nice.

Three. I also realized on my drive to work yesterday that I do not miss the days when I was in a panic if I wasn't in my classroom before 7:30 in the morning because I absolutely needed that time to plan. I am far from having things "figured out" but I don't panic if I miss getting to my classroom 20 minutes before my contract starts.

Four. We are down to the last four weeks of school... I only have three weeks and three days, though, with my previously arranged personal days coming up. As much as I feel like this semester has dragged on in a lot of ways, it has also just flown by. I need to really pick it up these last three weeks and finish as strong as possible... I have felt myelf checking out since the beginning of the spring semester and that's just not a good thing.

Five. Because I've been so on top of things this semester (lies... NOT... see my first statement), I will be spending tonight and tomorrow reading the last book for one of my classes and then writing the final paper due Monday by midnight. I am right on the A/B bubble in this class so I need to finish as strong as possible (another common theme in my life... see my fourth statement) and not slack off. I've learned my lesson this semester... Six credits, teaching, and coaching are too much for me. I'm so grateful I will be done with classes after the summer semester because next school year, I will be writing my thesis!


Tuesday Which Is Kinda Like Monday But Definitely Too Much Like Real Life Today

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Apparently my life just stopped over the last week. I can't recall exactly what I did, other than fake clean my room, read part of a book, and meet up with a friend in Minot, but I must have spent those minutes doing something.

Oh yeah. I finally got caught up on my correcting and I actually got a couple of workouts in and ate a ton of Easter food I shouldn't have. I definitely needed the weekend I took, but I'm already regretting it today.

We had a student end up in a severe accident this weekend so the rest of the students are a little bit off today. We had an assembly this morning and I feel like we finally just started hitting our pace about an hour ago. I had a senior come in and tell me she and her dad are being evicted from their apartment in three weeks... which is two weeks before her high school graduation. And my graduate project is due Thursday. And I have the final paper in my other graduate class due Monday.

It's been kind of a downer way to start the week after celebrating the true meaning of Easter. I'm so glad I'm living for something so much bigger than myself.

Hello real life... I would have liked a couple more days of vacation. You didn't need to come this fast all at once. #Thanksbutnothanks

I Want a Chance

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I feel I have been honest in sharing that education has not been my first choice of degree and I have not been very excited about making it a career. However, in the last three years, I have experienced a drastic change of heart to the point that I experience sadness at the thought of not being allowed a chance to be in a classroom and work with students. I get excited about spending time in a classroom, guiding my students on the journey of personal effort and creativity. (I, however, do not get excited about standards and curriculum maps and never ending assessment.) I want my class to be one of the hardest my students will ever encounter, but only because I expected more out of them than anybody they have ever had in their lives previously- I want my students to experience a culture of expectation. I give my students every tool I possess (and I still have so long to go as a teacher) and every tool I can find, so that they can be as effectively equipped as possible to complete whatever dream they may choose to pursue. Those who do not have high expectations will never achieve greatness. I know that not every student of mine will be an A student, but I also believe that plenty of less-than-A-or-B students are more than capable of above average marks.

I could write an entire post of my personal theory of education, especially that of English education, but I will tell you that I believe a lot of today's education needs to be about the "how" of something instead of that "what." Reading and writing are the basis for all of life's disciplines, whether or not one chooses to pursue formal higher education. With that being said, teachers receive a lot of flak for being nothing more than glorified babysitters who are given three months' vacation every summer. I stand to argue that nothing could be farther from the truth. I know that my choice to become a teacher will be one of the most challenging, difficult, and- at times- possibly abusive situations in which I could ever place myself, but I know the potential rewards will far outweigh anything that could ever come to me otherwise.

Teaching cannot, will not, and should not be about myself. It is about the students, no, the children who will be looking for love, guidance, and acceptance in life. For some, they will only be able to make it through my class because they know I care. For others, they will be able to take the material I present and just run because they have, outside of the classroom, the support system necessary. Nevertheless, my role as a teacher is vital to the success of society and I am now taking that more seriously. I am beginning to grasp the potential influence that students may experience in my classroom. I am beginning to understand the magnitude of the burden God has bestowed upon me.

(Disclaimer: This video contains some crude language but it is nothing outside of what my students, and many members of society, see on a daily basis. It portrays how life exists for many people. Life is what it is, and this shows the truth in a way I would not normally envision it.)


Spring, Maybe Not Spring, Running, Words, and Dresses

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As has become my fairly new usual, I am linking up with the ladies of The Good LifeA. Liz AdventuresCarolina Charm, and Hello Happiness for "5 on Friday." Please join us!

One. I think spring has finally arrived! With the return of spring has come the return of my motivation. Well, some of it! I've really been trying to stay on top of my grading this quarter (although I'm already behind in some spots!) and I've also made a list of everything I am behind on in grad school. I'm at the point where I'm 99% sure I will never catch up, but I want to make the effort to get as much in as possible over these next couple of weeks so I can get as much out of my classes as possible!

Two. I was so excited it was back to spring-y weather, but now we are back down to forecasted 40's for the next week. Maybe some year I won't have to wear 7 layers on Easter Sunday, but this year isn't going to be that year.

Three. I went for another run last night and it was another big ol' struggle. I made it 1.92 miles last night before I thought I might die. I'm going to adjust my interval pattern tonight and hope that the adjustment gives me a little more stamina for completing my distances!

Four. This is my new favorite pin. I like the simplicity of it and the truth that is in it. I enjoy reading the writings of Elisabeth Elliot, Jim Elliot's wife, and I've been meaning to get started on his writings as well. And as much as I lack artistic skills, I think this is something I could manage to recreate myself!
be all there

Five. I'm heading to Bismarck either tonight or tomorrow to pick up my bridesmaid's dress and hang out with Rachel (and probably her hubby, too)! I'm ready for a change in scenery... Even if it will be less than 24 hours!



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About two weeks go now, I skipped my evening workout class because it was so nice outside that I wanted to exercise some place other than indoors. And due to my crazy schedule up to that point, I hadn't gotten a run in since January 25. At least that's what my phone said. So I was looking at approximately eight weeks without having gotten in a formal run. And, as is often my usual, I waited until it was getting dark outside to actually get myself moving, so I was nervous about it getting too dark for me to stay outside. (I don't like being outside in the dark by myself in our town. I don't mind being out after dark in other places, but I'm just not comfortable in that environment in my current town.)

I started out from my driveway and got moving. And I lasted for three minutes. Three minutes. Uhh... I have 13.1 miles to run in two months (a couple of weeks ago yet...) and I knew I won't be getting it done in three minutes. I had decided before I set out that night I would follow the workout plan for C25K, Day 4-1. Now I realize that a half marathon (21.7K) is a lot longer than a 5K, but I've had success with the running/jogging intervals planned in the C25K program, so I stuck with it.

I'm not going to lie... It took a little bit to find my rhythm. I hit 15 minutes and was ready to head home because I was only a couple of blocks away. I made myself turn the other way and keep running, but then the descending sun really did get to me and I ended up turning back to go home.

My entire workout last night lasted 17 minutes and 40 seconds.

I was ticked.

I was whining and complaining and being all sorts of Debby Downer in my head as I thought about how short my workout was.

I got myself back on the running horse (or the dreamill- pretty much the same thing) this past Sunday with every intention of running three miles, not matter how long it took. I was pretty sure from the activity level I had been keeping that I would be able to make it three miles, albeit slow miles. Just kidding... I was able to run 0.66 miles before I had to stop. And my workout totaled 1.66 miles. I probably could have physically made it the entire three miles, but I was going so slowly that I was running out of time and I didn't want to be late for church.

Last night I wanted to go four miles, but I only made it 2.6 before I could feel my feet hotspotting and I wanted to avoid blisters. I was frustrated with myself physicall, yes, but I also made a poor choice in footwear. (My feet are clearly not in Vibram shape anymore.)

I wasn't so much ticked this time as I was frustrated. I have set this goal for myself and I have somebody else I've committed to join in this endeavor, and I haven't been disciplined enough to have my body in a place to be able to do it.

As frustrated as I am, though, my perspective has shifted. For this, I am so grateful! I can't think of one time in my life before that I would have been able to take two months off from running and then bust out 17 minutes and 40 seconds of interval work. I am not a natural runner. Last night I was able to run a solid mile (in approximately 10 minutes) and my overall distance increased a mile from just two days before!

I've come to the realization that I will not be running a PR in May. Right now my challenge is to myself- that I will finish my training plan in a strong manner and be in better shape come May 10. I really want to stop looking at only my failures but also remember to find the good. I'm running to form a lifelong habit of fitness and wellness- that's what I need to keep in mind!

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

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This story involves only trains and automobiles, but I flew within the week so it still kinda counts, right? I suppose a more appropriate title would be "Metros, Trains, and Automobiles" but that just doesn't have the same ring to it.

When I was asked to chaperone the Close Up trip, I was super excited to go along on the teacher program. History and social studies certainly are not my strong academic suits and American history is probably one of my worst! (I'm a bad American like that, I know. I really would like to learn more, but I don't think that is going to happen until this little thing I like to call my current Master's degree is finished.) I really had every intention of staying on teacher program every day, but I decided to rebel a little on that Tuesday. (It wasn't really rebelling, but I still felt like I was getting away with something.)

I had been trying to meet up with my brother since we were only three-ish hours apart, but it just didn't look like our schedules were going to jive. I looked at going to meet him at his home, but train tickets were so expensive... like over half of what I would spend on a roundtrip plane ticket! Finally, Shaun's girlfriend found a killer (from everything else we had been seeing) return ticket so, before I really knew what had happened, I had booked a train ticket on Monday night to visit my brother on Tuesday!

My morning started out at the lovely hour of 4:45 so I could try to beat the rush hour metro. I clearly overestimated my travel time and arrived to the train station a whopping 45 minutes earlier than I anticipated and 90 minutes before I really even needed to be there. Now, I have ridden the Amtrak train plenty of times before, but this was my first time using a multi-terminal (is that the appropriate term?) train station. They sure do things much differently in the big city than we do in rural North Dakota! I found my train and waited in my semi-conscious, don't-talk-to-me-it's-before-11-am state of being. I took a simple two hour train ride to Philadelphia and then switched trains for a quick 20 minute ride to my brother's!

He and Kayla met me at the train station and we enjoyed a lovely day of not doing very much! They drove me around their towns (all of the towns run together where they live... it's hard to know where one town stops and another one begins), showed me their apartment, took me out for lunch at a local short order diner, walked their favorite mall, and then just chilled at Kayla's parent's house. We didn't DO much per se, but it was such a fun afternoon of being together and seeing a little bit of their lives. I was scheduled to get back on the train at 4:30, but it was almost 20 minutes late so it was nice just to get those couple of extra minutes with my brother. Then I made my train and metro journey back to D.C. where it was nice to see my students after their day as well.

It turns out I didn't miss much on teacher program that day, either. The program I would have attended had I not visited Shaun ended up getting cancelled that day so many of the teachers just bummed the day at the hotel. Definitely a day well spent and I'm looking forward to them visiting North Dakota this summer!

32 Things That Make Me Happy

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I did not wake up in a good mood this morning. Or yesterday either. Actually, my annoyed mood started Wednesday after work when I was hoping to get a run in outside and it was snowing. That just rubbed me the wrong way and it continued snowing and melting and snowing all night into yesterday morning. I skipped my Wednesday workout because I'm behind on my grad school paper due tonight, I woke up yesterday morning to a car completely covered in snow, and a long work day yesterday because we had parent-teacher conferences after school. Today I'm just tired, cranky, and ready to get my grad paper turned in.

I don't like being in this mood. (And it's become far too regular of an occurance. See?)

In an effort to counteract my less-than-helpful funk, I'm linking up with Brittany (and Erin) to share "32 Things That Make Me Happy."

One. Living in a part of the country with four seasons. As much as I am OVER the snow right now...
Two. Having grown up in North Dakota-- I love the rolling plains and wide open skies!

Three. Waking up early each Thanksgiving morning for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Four. Seeing a student finally make a connection and get something.
Five. Standing in a gym on a Friday night while hearing basketballs bounce and smelling the popcorn.
Six. Hearing the first crack of a baseball bat each spring.

Seven. Finding a new pair of shoes that fits just right.
Eight. Looking down at my gas guage and knowing that today is a day I will not have to stop and fill up.
Nine. Crawling into my bed at the end of a long day knowing that it was a day lived and spent well.
Ten. Being able to see as many different places as I have.

Eleven. Realizing the fact I am living in God's will and purpose for my life as a teacher.
Twelve. Seeing my family together around the dinner table.
Thirteen. Sitting around a bonfire on a summer evening.
Fourteen. Getting completely lost in the stars of a night sky.

Fifteen. Driving through the countryside in the summer and fall evenings.
Sixteen. Updating my planner for the next day... Especially when I've been productive!
Seventeen. Folding laundry that is still warm from the dryer.
Eighteen. Putting the last piece of said laundry away.
Nineteen. Holding a baby.
Twenty. Eating supper that I have had time to make myself .
Twenty-one. Spending the first, crisp fall night watching football.

Twenty-two. Relaxing in the recliner and catching up on my Tivo-ed shows..
Twenty-three. Catching one of my favorite movies on network TV for no reason at all.
Twenty-four. Smelling the first evening spring rain.
Twenty-five. Jogging outside on a cool, still night.
Twenty-six. Submitting the last assignment for a class and knowing it's all out of my hands.
Twenty-seven. Browsing Pinterest and obnoxiously feeding my wanderlust habit.
Twenty-eight. Realizing that I have found a book I simply can't put down.

Twenty-nine. Dreaming of all life can be but knowing it's everything it's supposed to be right now.
Thirty. Shopping online and then waiting for the packages to arrive!
Thirty-one. Knowing we have only 34 days left in this school year!
Thirty-two. Living my life with the knowledge that it is not my own. I take such security in that!

I Didn't Mean to Celebrate April Fool's Day

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On Monday night, I had just told my mom how April Fool's Day is in my top three least favorite days of the year (Halloween is my #1 least favorite day and my #3 least favorite day is still TBD) because it's done so poorly so much of the time. My students think they have the best of jokes when they really don't and I just don't like the uncertainty of it all. #Funsuckerteacheralert I managed to pull my own little April Fool's joke this year, though, without even trying to.

The internet was being super slow and pokey at school yesterday morning and one of my junior girls called out in frustration. She asked what was wrong with the internet and I nonchalantly replied "Oh, Canada bought the internet yesterday."

She gave me a perplexed look and I continued on, "Yeah, the internet is pretty slow today because Canada is working to switch it over to Canadian servers."

The poor girl still had a really confused look on her face and was looking to her classmates for some help when another student yelled out "April Fool's!"

I ended up pulling a prank without even meaning to... And I was still pretty proud of myself at the day's end!

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