Oh, Dontcha Know

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My foray into recovering from life is taking much longer than I expected. I took an almost two week break from all technology over Christmas vacation and I am ever so slowly easing myself back into the routine of things. I have spent the last two weeks trying to establish productive habits both at work (aka working to maximize my minutes so I have less to bring home at night) and at home (aka learning to clear my mind so I can actually relax and sleep at night). I have pretty much been a permanent fixture on the Hot Mess Express since October and I'm trying really hard to make sure I steer clear of that train again.

All that to say, I have a lot of catching up to do. But I would like to remind you, if you haven't seen on Kelly's blog, that we are giving the Second Chance Book Club yet another chance this year (a second chance on the second chance?) and I will be hosting this month's read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Much to do, much to get caught up on, but much to be made of the time at hand.

May your day be blessed.

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