Change of Trajectory

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I resigned my job yesterday.

I didn't envision my departure from Thailand going down like it has. I mean, I'm not leaving the country until mid-June, but I'm already beginning the transition back to the States.

My decision to leave was made pretty quickly, but I have complete peace about it and I know it's the right thing at this point in my life.

I am working on getting some irons into the fire, as they say, and we'll see what happens. I'm looking to go back to North Dakota to regroup, at least for a year or two. 

I know this is not the end in any sense of the word. Life's trajectory has just changed angles again and I have to figure out where I am now going.

Thus, the adventure continues.

Soli deo gloria.

Five Friday Things: 5 Things You May Not Know

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Today I am joining up with 5 on Friday, Oh Hey Friday!, Friday Favorites, and Kelly's relaunching of SUYL. Since I'm apparently trying to see how many blog link-ups I can join at one time, I thought I would share with you today five things you may not know about me. I just updated my "About Me" page this fall and, let's face it, I haven't gotten all that more exciting since then.

One. I have never had the chicken pox. Due to a poor family history with chicken pox, my parents chose to have us vaccinated against the disease when we were young. The vaccine worked and I have so far escaped the itchy torture of the childhood disease. I have had more than my share of strep throat though. I lost track after 17 instances, thankyouverymuch.

Two. To describe a person or food from Italy, I say "Eye-talian." I guess the normal thing to say is "Ih-talin" with a short "i." I was not aware I said this until a friend pointed it out to me shortly after I moved to Bangkok. So I have lived all of my life thus far sounding like a fool whenever I speak of the things of Italy. Good thing I don't live there, I suppose.

Three. I am also unintentionally really bad at geography. As of two weeks ago, I just found out Guam is in the Pacific. I have spent the majority of my life thinking it was by Cuba. I also struggle to remember which, between Toledo and Toronto, is the US and which is in Canada. I also think India should be an 8th continent and I am forever unsure of where exactly Japan belongs in relation to China and Russia.

Four. I really am not a fan of surprises. I startle easily and my initial instinct is to hit at whatever emerges in my way. This doesn't work so well when students try to be funny and startle me. Likewise, I often read the summary of a movie before I go to the theatre because I much more enjoy being able to watch the story unfold as opposed to having to figure out the story as I go. I also Wikipedia TV series when I start watching them. I have been known to read the online summaries of books as well. And, not that it has ever been a concern, but the idea of a surprise party makes me really uneasy. #Funsucker #Iknow

Five. All the apps on my iPhone are organized in pages by frequency of use and they are alphabetized within the page. I get made fun of all the time, but haters gonna hate. Maybe it is part of not liking surprises, but I like to know that each "thing" has a place to belong and is in some semblance of order.

And in the case you are further interested...
What's in a Name? About the AuthorNow You All Can Know10 Things about Yours Truly.


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