I don't like being in this mood. (And it's become far too regular of an occurance. See?)
In an effort to counteract my less-than-helpful funk, I'm linking up with Brittany (and Erin) to share "32 Things That Make Me Happy."
One. Living in a part of the country with four seasons. As much as I am OVER the snow right now...
Two. Having grown up in North Dakota-- I love the rolling plains and wide open skies!
Four. Seeing a student finally make a connection and get something.
Five. Standing in a gym on a Friday night while hearing basketballs bounce and smelling the popcorn.
Six. Hearing the first crack of a baseball bat each spring.

Eight. Looking down at my gas guage and knowing that today is a day I will not have to stop and fill up.
Nine. Crawling into my bed at the end of a long day knowing that it was a day lived and spent well.
Ten. Being able to see as many different places as I have.

Twelve. Seeing my family together around the dinner table.
Thirteen. Sitting around a bonfire on a summer evening.
Fourteen. Getting completely lost in the stars of a night sky.

Sixteen. Updating my planner for the next day... Especially when I've been productive!
Seventeen. Folding laundry that is still warm from the dryer.
Eighteen. Putting the last piece of said laundry away.
Nineteen. Holding a baby.
Twenty. Eating supper that I have had time to make myself .
Twenty-one. Spending the first, crisp fall night watching football.

Twenty-three. Catching one of my favorite movies on network TV for no reason at all.
Twenty-four. Smelling the first evening spring rain.
Twenty-five. Jogging outside on a cool, still night.
Twenty-six. Submitting the last assignment for a class and knowing it's all out of my hands.
Twenty-seven. Browsing Pinterest and obnoxiously feeding my wanderlust habit.
Twenty-eight. Realizing that I have found a book I simply can't put down.

Thirty. Shopping online and then waiting for the packages to arrive!
Thirty-one. Knowing we have only 34 days left in this school year!
Thirty-two. Living my life with the knowledge that it is not my own. I take such security in that!
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