I Don't Get It

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One of my co-workers lost his brother in a car wreck yesterday.

His situation sounds eerily similar to what my dad went through a couple of years ago.

Why did my dad get to live and my co-worker's brother not?

In talking with my co-worker, his stories and mine are very similar. But where he has suffered loss, I was blessed with gain.

I've had a decent bout of survivor's guilt today.

I will never understand it all but I know that I am thankful for what I have been given. I don't understand why God has chosen to give me what He has but has taken the same from others.

I love my dad and told him as much today.

Today as I laid hands on a friend in his time of loss, I praised God for my gain. Maybe it was selfish of me, but I just couldn't help it.

I don't get it and I never will. But regardless, the name of the Lord shall be praised.

This picture was taken two days after dad came home from rehab. I remember I was in such a bad mood this evening. It was Christmas Eve 2011 and I just wasn't having it. I wasn't excited to go to church, I wasn't liking my hair, I'm wearing my fat pants, and I really didn't get going on life that day because I wore my glasses all day. I completely missed out on the blessing of the day. It is now one of my favorite pictures ever.
KellyE said...

This made me tear up just seeing and remembering. Such a wonderful family! xoxo

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