Radio, Driving, ATM, Proposal, and Punches

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One. I am using iTunes radio for the first time and I can't believe I didn't know about this earlier! I've been going through Pandora withdrawals for the last six weeks and I didn't even know I had an alternative right in front of me!

Two. I'm currently listening to the Country Weekly Top 50 playlist and it's taking me right back to cruising the country roads of North Dakota. I loved driving home on a warm fall evening with my windows down and country music playing. It'll be awhile before I'm back in North Dakota for another fall evening, but I'm already looking forward to the next one when I will be!

Three. The ATM ate my bank card tonight so I'll be venturing out for a new card come Monday. Thankfully I can use my bank card from the States for a pretty minimal fee, but I need my Thai card since that's where my paychecks are deposited. So my Monday evening adventure will be going to the mall to get a new bank card. Chalk that one up for another Thailand experience.

Four. I have a thesis proposal to write this weekend. And a million papers to correct. I slowly started to fall behind last week and the wheels just fell off this week. This weekend will be a weekend of no plans and self-imposed grounding... Especially since I don't a bank card anymore.

Five. Thailand apparently does not have three hole punches. Seriously. They use an odd two hole punch system that annoys me because it doesn't have a centering point. All of my paperwork from the States is on the three hole system and I didn't bring a punch because I didn't want the extra weight. I figured I would just pick one up when I got here. And the paper here is a funny A4 size. I've not found my adjustment to Thai office supplies to be the easiest. Clearly mine is a hard life I am living overseas.

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