Sorry but not sorry I'm late on posting this month's goals. I spent this last weekend taking myself on a weekend date of sorts and just decompressing from the, honestly, stressful month that was January. I also spent about an hour of that weekend writing this post only to lose it somewhere in cyberspace between here and there. I am super bummed and have zero energy to rewrite everything. Regardless, a quick review of January, if you please.
1. Update my Franklin every day. I have been so unproductive in my days because I haven't been listing and prioritizing my to-do list each day. #Nerdbomb #Colorcodedtoo (I think I made it four days into the month here.)
2. Implement a revised budget. I fell off the budget bandwagon when I moved last year and that needs to stop. I have been living in Thailand long enough that I have a decent understanding of what I need to do with my finances. Now I need to make it happen. (Still flying by the seat of my pants to pay the bills.)
3. Clean and organize my email accounts for fifteen minutes each day. I have three different inboxes and now is the time to get them back to a manageable status. I never understood what people meant when they were "behind on email," but boy do I understand it now! My plan is to knock out my work email first, my personal email second, and my school email last. (People keep sending me work email... I feel so counterproductive. But I did improve in this area last month!)
4. Complete 50% of my thesis bibliography. I have almost officially hit panic mode. I have about two and a half months to write a thesis. I need to get a TON of reading done this month. Since my Works Cited page must include at least 40 resources, I will need to have read, notated, and filed at least 20 different resources this month. I also have to submit my thesis proposal and my topic proposal, but I get no choice in those matters. January is going to be very grad school heavy. (I think I finished with twelve or thirteen sources? I definitely didn't make my goal but I didn't completely suck it up either.)
5. Finish 1/3 of my 3/30/90 workout goal. In the midst of everything else to do in the month, I need to remember to take care of myself. I saw this pin the other day and found myself very attracted to it. I'm committing to a better lifestyle practice and trusting the results will come. It's reasonable, it's attainable, and it's now mine. (Uh, well, two workouts. Not even close.)
Oh look... I didn't cross anything off because I didn't get anything finished! January was a struggling for me. See #4. Grad school ate everything, especially my thesis proposal and topic proposal. I am keeping this goal set for the next month with these two changes:
4. Complete 100% of my thesis bibliography. Read, read, read. And then read some more for good measure, no?
6. Memorize my Thai number as well as Philippians 2:14-16. I switched back to a smart phone last month and I still don't know my Thai number. The worst part is that I never learned my first Thai mobile number either. I never call myself, so it's not very convenient for me to remember. Ha! Likewise, I have a scripture goal this month... Many things to discuss there, but here's to the first step of making it happen!
(in Bangkok)
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