New Years Resolution... Yes, Just One!

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I have one resolution this year and it is to run a marathon

I have neither had time nor made time for this goal in the past, but I feel like this year is the year. 

This spring promises to be a tough one between teaching full time, coaching, and taking nine credits, but such is life.  Life isn't slowing down for awhile and I'm not getting any younger... And I'm ready to take charge and do something for myself. I feel like I have lost a piece of myself over the last couple of years and I want to figure out what that is.

Running 3 miles is not something that comes easy to me, so I know 26.2 miles will be the most difficult thing I've done in a long time. I'm excited to do something difficult. 

I've gotten all to content with doing only the things I know I will be good at and/or those things that I know I will be able to finish without too much inconvenience to myself.

My baby steps to running my marathon are as follows:
  1. Run a 5k on Friday, January 31.
  2. Run the Fargo Half Marathon on May 10.

This year is going to be the year. As I've said before, I am looking forward to the changes 2014 is going to bring and I pray that one of those changes is a self-improved, more disciplined self.

Soli deo gloria.

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