Maybe Someday

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Sometimes I just dream. I can honestly say I’m happy with where I am in life right now, although it’s never where I would have placed myself. As I daydream (or plan where I think I’d like my life to end up), these are some of the ideas that come to mind.

Maybe someday…

I will have a job in formal, full-time ministry.
I will be working in full-time academia as a college professor.
I will finally have this teaching thing figured out and I will be a competent, confident high school teacher.
I will have finished law school and be a practicing lawyer.
I will be a stay-at-home mom with my own mess of children to look after.
I will be putting dinner on the table as my husband gets home from work.
I will be sitting in a gym watching my own children in their athletic endeavors.
I will be sitting in an auditorium watching my own children in their musical endeavors.
I will be on the sidelines coaching my own children in their sport of choice.
I will be homeschooling my children and we’ll have all sorts of crazy projects going on throughout the house.
I will be meeting with my children’s teachers for parent-teacher conferences instead of being the one leading the conferences.
I will have completely packed up and left the United States behind to live in a one-room shack somewhere across the ocean.
I will have another Master’s or a Ph.D. or may have gone to law school… I wouldn’t mind being a professional student. (And I just outed myself for the nerd that I really am.)

I feel I would be just as happy for any of these things to happen and maybe none of them will ever happen. But I have found that a good pondering session always does my heart some good…

These are my wonderings for today. :)

KellyE said...

I love dreaming like this. I've lately been dreaming a little...of which, nothing I'm in control of. :)

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