I Won't Be Whipping My Hair for Awhile

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Like I mentioned on Friday, I tend to chop my hair every two years. This year I came up about six weeks short of the two year mark, but such is life. Unlike Willow Smith, I will now be giving my hair away for somebody else to whip as they please.

As I planned my weekend Friday evening, my intentions were to spend Saturday buying a clothes iron and a flat iron. As I lay in bed later that evening, I decided that I must chop my hair on Saturday. So I sat up on the couch (I was sleeping on the couch because I was falling asleep watching TV on my computer... don't be a hater, mom) and immediately googled "good place for American women's haircut Bangkok" and sifted through the results. I found a shop about 30 minutes from where I live, called when the opened the next morning, and had an appointment for three and a half hours later.

This was my original inspiration picture:


and as you can see, we didn't quite get there at all, but it'll grow and then I'll just get it cut again. Hair is both tricky and lovely like that.

I will be donating my two ponytails when I go back to America in December. I had a friend cut them off before I left because I had no idea if I'd be able to communicate my desire to donate once I got to the salon. But, once I got there and told them I had cut off my hair right before I came, her first question was whether or not I was going to "give it away." Each ponytail is about 11 inches long and I cut off about 13 inches total when all was said and done.

Chopping my hair off is about as wild as it gets for this Midwest girl and I'm appreciating it even more in this Bangkok heat and humidity. #Rainyseasonishorrid And I did end up getting both irons on Saturday along with three books at the used book store, so I consider Saturday to be a very productive day!

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