After a crazy start to the week, I am gratful that this week is coming to a close. It's been the longest four day week I've had in a long while. So without further adieu...
One. I'm ashamed to say that this semester has kicked my Master's-degree-seeking tail. I started out so strong and then things just kept coming up and now I'm rushing to finish at the end. I could have gotten so much more out of this semester, in my T&L (teaching and learning) class specifcially, but I am just grateful for the things I have picked up and I'm holding on to everything for awhile in case I get the itch to go back and review OR I end up needing it for another class/degree/job/IDK.
Two. I realized this semester that I have seen a lot of my family and it's been a nice change of pace. Of course I always wish I could see more of them more often, but I've spent more weekends and more time with them than I have before and it's been oh so nice.
Three. I also realized on my drive to work yesterday that I do not miss the days when I was in a panic if I wasn't in my classroom before 7:30 in the morning because I absolutely needed that time to plan. I am far from having things "figured out" but I don't panic if I miss getting to my classroom 20 minutes before my contract starts.
Four. We are down to the last four weeks of school... I only have three weeks and three days, though, with my previously arranged personal days coming up. As much as I feel like this semester has dragged on in a lot of ways, it has also just flown by. I need to really pick it up these last three weeks and finish as strong as possible... I have felt myelf checking out since the beginning of the spring semester and that's just not a good thing.
Five. Because I've been so on top of things this semester (lies... NOT... see my first statement), I will be spending tonight and tomorrow reading the last book for one of my classes and then writing the final paper due Monday by midnight. I am right on the A/B bubble in this class so I need to finish as strong as possible (another common theme in my life... see my fourth statement) and not slack off. I've learned my lesson this semester... Six credits, teaching, and coaching are too much for me. I'm so grateful I will be done with classes after the summer semester because next school year, I will be writing my thesis!