19|| Be Your Own BFF

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I can about feel my sister rolling her eyes at me right now. This is the third "Blog Every Day in [Whatever Month]" challenge I have attempted and I had been doing so well until this last week. And then I caught the flu bug that has been circulating amongst the teachers and ended up with six days of body aches, headaches, fevers, chills, etc. I feel about 85% better and have a chiropractor appointment on Tuesday to hopefully get the rest of this crap out of my system. She has probably assumed that I fell off the bandwagon again, but I'm determined to finish this one out... And I'm still trying to make up ground from starting late!  Here's to a weekend of playing catch up in all areas of life after six days of just trying to survive...

If you could give one piece of advice to a large group of people, what would it be?

Be the friend to yourself that you are to other people.


Why is it that we are all too willing to extend patience and understanding to our friends and family (and even people we don't like...) but not to ourselves? Why is it that grace covers a multitude of other's sins, but not our own?


I saw another quote on Pinterest but didn't grab it because I was at work and didn't want to show that I was cruising Pinterest at work. #Ashamed #ItwasFridayafternoon I've gone back to look for it a couple of times since and can't find it, but it posed a question similar to this:

If you had a friend who said the same things to you that you say to yourself, how long would you keep that friend around?

Psht... That person would be kicked to the curb, hard and fast. I'm not talking about the friend who speaks truth into my life and pushes me to be a better person, but about the one who criticizes me for my eyebrows not being done and my stomach looking too pudgy while feeding my thoughts of insecurity and self-doubt. Nobody would keep such a funsucker around, so why do we do it to ourselves?

Remember... Be the friend to yourself that you are to other people.

Brave Love Blog

KellyE said...

I love this. And I need to keep that in mind as I'm viewing myself.

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